Spring 2012 News
September 11, 2012 at 11:38 AM
We have had some staff changes recently
at the clinic. In our last newsletter we advertised
for a student to help with some after
school cleaning. I was some what surprised
and a little overwhelmed by the
number who applied. I would like to thank
all of you who applied and I am sorry I
could not meet all of you, or offer a job to
more of you.
We have ended up with a great find in Debbie
Officer who is keen to pursue a career
in veterinary medicine and we will endeavour
to mentor her along her way.
Sadly we had to say good bye to Chloe
Knowles after five years of working for us.
She had started working with us as an after
school job, then went on to complete her
vet nursing training. We wish Chloe well
with her career.
The good news is we have taken on Natalie
Bryson a qualified vet nurse who is great
with the patients and I am sure you will enjoy
dealing with her when you are next in.
You may have noticed that the web site has been updated. You can still view the newsletter by clicking on the link below and reading the whole thing as a PDF document. Alternativey you can look at Blogs of the same articles that interest you. You will be able to comment on the blogs if you wish.
Don't forget to check the specials page for great deals.